Tuners worldwide are turning their spotlights on Audi’s brand new S3 in order to satisfy power-hungry consumers who think that the 40 Hp upgrade in comparison with the previous S3 1.8T 225 Hp is still not enough. German tuner B&B Automobiltechnik is willing to add a few ponies on your new S3 2.0 TFSI 260 Hp. Specifically, it just presented three engine tuning kits ranging from the modest 306 Hp Level 1 to the ultra 362 Level 2 which drops 0-100 km/h (62 mph) time to 4,9 sec while top speed jumps to 275 km/h (171 mph). Via: Autoblog.it - Level 1 – ca.225kw / 306hp / 410Nm
- Level 2 – ca.238kw / 324hp/ 435Nm
- Level 3 – ca.266kw / 362hp / 480Nm
Technorati: Audi+S3, B&B, autos, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, autos, Carscoop, images, pictures, tuning+news, car+accessories, bodykit