Translated Press Release
It is the fuel cell car which can do optimum power control by combining the air cooled fuel cell system and the advanced accumulator of simple small size light weight. Starting which fuel economy efficiency is fast low, the intelligent energy corporation of feature (
The request that was included, you feel the enjoyment of the motorcycle in many people, would like to have having interest in the motorcycle " “the design proposition model which designates the joy of running by the motorcycle” as shape” is. You propose in order to have representing the common feeling which is felt from the vehicle where “, it designates the kind of image which is riding the airplane” as keyword, calls the motorcycle and the airplane and is different completely. Although it is the machine, the bosom which makes tenderness feel it forced and “the biplane” (bi- the plainness) designated modelling as design motif, it expressed the open impression of not being covered in the canopy. The engine has designed V type 4-cylinder engine in vertical ranging.