But it gets worse; as you can see in the pictures after the jump, the rear-end of the Bentley was burnt after the “dynamic-duo” placed the wrecked tire in the trunk and it somehow caused a fire. Or so the porters support, as one can’t be 100 percent sure until you hear both sides. The story ends with the two porters loosing their job at the dealership/service center. If you follow the jump, we’ve added two more pictures along with the description of the incident in “Dustbmx's” own words. -Continued
Dustbmx: “I pulled the car out of the garage. It got stuck in the spot you see it in the side shot pic. I got out to go get a snow shovel to dig it out. As i am in the garage I hear a loud bang from outside. Walk out to what had happened I asked the porter who was in the car if he was ok and asked him what happened.
The porter tells me when you went inside i tried to get it unstuck He put it in revers and then in drive gassed it and bang the airbags went off. He thought thats all that happened till he got out and walked around the car. I took side pic cuz thats what I walked out too from the garage. The pic of the trunk before the fire is what we found when we took the spare tire out too put it on the car.
We then got the spare on it and pushed it back into its parking spot. The last pic is of the trunk after the fire that happened about an hour later. That tire that went through into the trunk must have cut the positive battery cable or something and just heated up till it started the fire. I was not in or around the car when this all happened.
I don't know why i lost my job. I guess it just cuz i got it stuck. Or the owner wanted too just fire people. I understand it was a $400,000 car down the drain. It was the dealerships car so no one owned it yet. It did not have winter tires on it because it was in the showroom in downtown Chicago.”