Working long-hours in the basement of his own home, Ken designed and fabricated a space frame, hand formed the aluminum body panels, created the characteristic Lambo doors, added a Corvette C4 suspension as well as a Boss 351 V8 engine mated to a ZF-5 speed manual gearbox. In other words, he did everything by himself from scratch! -Continued
Once he finished the car there was one itsy-bitsy problem; the fact that the faux Lambo was built in the basement meant that there was no conventional way to take it outside of the house... Well, if you've gone so far then unconventional problems request drastic solutions. An indeed Ken actually hired a contractor to take down a part of the basement wall, excavate the ground to create a ramp and then pull the car out on the road.
What else can we say other than that we have total respect for Ken and his passion and determination to materialize his dream. Unbelievable
Via: Jalopnik , Source: Ken Imhoff Engineering